Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Who I Am & Why I Do What I Do

"There are two primary choices in life: To accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." - Denis Waitley

Wow!  It’s insane to think that my lessons about time management and personal development have touched so many lives, and that you are here because you are genuinely interested in learning from the strategies and techniques that I live by.

Rather than give the standard professional bio, I’m going to tell you the real story of where I came from and why I can’t help but to do what I do.

(Email Me if you need a quick clean bio for a publication)

I never meant to teach people how to improve their lives, I just wanted to figure out how things worked, not  just my life in general but EVERYTHING. I am a consumer of knowledge.

I've always been a bit odd, even as a child. I had an insatiable appetite for learning how things worked.  My favorite saying is "Why?".  In fact, when I was in college and pledging Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc., I caused our line a great deal of grief because I needed to know why we did the things we did.  They called me the INQUISITOR! 

What seemed like rebellion was really just the need to know why?
  • Why?
  • Why?
  • Why?
If I couldn't get a straight answer, I would take things into my own hands and figure it out (by any means necessary).  In short this means that I would break things so I could see how they were designed and then I would "figure it out"

Now that I am older, I have added the words "Does", "How" and "Can" to my vocabulary.  Here are some of the questions that constantly ring in my head about EVERYTHING:
  • Does it really work?
  • How does it work?
  • Can this information be helpful to others?
After many trial and errors, I had a revelation.  I realized that EVERYTHING had a PATTERN!!!  After even more trial and errors, I had a major revelation.  I realized that the PATTERNS apply to even REAL LIFE!!!

Once you know how things work and don't work, you can navigate your way to either success or failure.  The vehicles are Time, Effort and Energy.  It's your choice.

Over my lifetime I’ve learned so much about life, relationships, spirituality, business, and long term happiness.  I’ve made many mistakes and I share those lessons with you so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.

And through it all, I REFUSE to "accept the conditions as they exist..."  and I CHOOSE to "accept the responsibility of changing them."

~The Maven

P.S.  If you are interested in subscribing to my FREE Personal Development Class and Newsletter, Click Here.